Wednesday, May 23, 2018


It is difficult to say -- or write -- that you despise your fellow citizens.  However, I have finally come to that point.  Over 40% of people who claim citizenry in this nation do NOT have the proper education to be able to adequately test the truth from the mountains of falsehoods being flung here and there -- the "real" fake news -- which have been spewed forth by Trump and his fraudulent administration.  They have let their brains out to be washed by the likes of Fox and Friends (Enemies of the People), Limbaugh, and whoever else is their particular cup of hate TV/Radio.  
Alt-Righters, Neo-Nazis, the KKK, etc. are another force.  What about "UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER" is in question for these people that they do NOT understand?  I think that this shows a great deal of deliberate stupidity.  The pro-slavery SOUTH was EVIL, including the Christian Church.  Anyone pro-slavery was EVIL, including people in the North.  There is NO argument to this statement and I will NOT take any.  They will ALWAYS be WRONG.  There is no apologetic that will wipe them clean.  
As with the history of the Civil War, the events surrounding this most corrupt and treasonous excuse for an administration will be with the people in taking the correct stand.  You no longer can give this bully criminal excuses for doing what he is doing to our great country.  We are a laughing stock in the world.  Pence is NO better.  They ALL need to GO NOW!!!  They are hypocrites and liars.  They cannot answer questions with straight answers because there are none in their universe.  God does not approve of ANYONE in particular!  Get it out of your mind that our itsy-bitsy little planet is on any deity's mind constantly --  or our country.  What hubris!  Now that you can see that we have been sold down a well, maybe now you can actually listen to the candidates for office and not their orthodoxies.       

1 comment:

Brian Joseph said...

I am also so very frustrated for all of the reasons that you mention. There has been a lot written about Trump supporters. Some of It arguing that it is not all racism or sexism but that much of it is driven by “tribalism”. I do not know if I completely understand that concept myself. Either way, those supporting Trump are doing great harm. People are being hurt, it may be the end of American Democracy. At worst, it can all lead to nuclear war. It is not hyperbole to say that Trump is the enemy of civilization. We must fight him tooth and nail. I have, and will continue to be, politically active. I have joined street protests for the first time since the 1980s. I the think that we are at a crossroads and that it can go either way.