Wednesday, December 21, 2016

This Should Be Appealable

I have not written much about the horrible politics of this past year.  However, with the recent intelligence of active Russian and FBI collusion with the Republican Party, NO ONE can say with a straight face that this election was anything but FIXED.  The huge plurality of the popular vote alone along with the small percentages of victory in certain red-leaning electoral states, which pushed the old-fashioned Electoral College into Trump's camp shows this.  There must be a way to stop this illegality.
I suggest that the Supreme Court, on the basis of the evidence, throw out the results of the November Presidential election.  A special election for President can then be called for early February. There would be no time for any campaigning.  In fact, I believe the Court should forbid it.  The Electoral College should also be put on hiatus.  All information about the 2016 election and its shenanighans should be made known to the American people.  No excuses will be accepted.
This filthiness will only leave us when we wake up from the national hang-over Trump put most of us into with his siren songs of impossibility.  We already see the ugliness of what he will bring. My judgment of America will fall to the utter depths if this is allowed to continue.  I never knew such ugliness really existed before this time except in spots.  Now it shows its face in the University.  I weep.  

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Re-Blog From The New Oxonian

Re-blogging from The New Oxonian:

READERS of this page will know that I don’t do editorials.   I do essays, sometimes long and turgid essays, on things that interest me, matter to me, worry me.
That is why I am playing against type and writing a short op-ed on Donald Trump.
I am deeply worried about something that everyone has said, and most have believed, but now  in the wake of media “normalization” activity and legitimation maneuvers we are in danger of forgetting.  After all, just as the media got simply everything wrong about the election, including the outcome, they persist in persisting to think that they can create a new narrative and a new frame for a man who by any normal measure comes up small and short. That “something” is that Mr Trump is unfit for office. ...

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Clean Up The House Austenesque Authors!

It is getting worse out there, readers!  Even our good Austenesque authors are not doing as well with the editing of the books that they publish.  Personally, I am getting tired of mentally editing everyone's books. 
About two years ago I started to work on an on-line site/blog in order to set up a small business to edit books.  I have had a number of unforeseen interruptions, one of which has been my husband's precarious state of health.  Now that he has had his heart surgery, I will be working on that site to bring it up to speed.  I will be announcing its opening here and will be taking out advertisements on JAFF sites.  I have taught English and composition and am a total spelling and grammar nerd.